India Retail Review 2014

Just back from spending a family holiday in Mumbai, India after two and a half years and I decided to hit the ground running visiting a few malls and giving the current organised Retail market a review under the lens. So which places did I visit?: Oberoi Mall in Goregaon, Phoenix Market City in Kurla,…

The Smart Online Shopper

Buying online can save you lots but is not easy to track down the best deals and can be frustrating when something specific needs to be bought at a specific time. Being an avid online shopper for some time now, here is a quick piece on the different price comparison websites that would come very…

eMarketplaces: The good, the bad and how to make it work

An eMarketplace, simply put, is an arrangement by a Retailer to offers its customers an extended range and choice by allowing thrid party merchants to sell through their online channels. The Retailer takes a commission for enabling the sale and hopefully build customer loyalty. The idea at first glance makes a lot of sense –…

The Groupon Model: It’s a difficult game

Financial Statements for GROUPON INC (GRPN) Year over year, Groupon, Inc. has seen their bottom line shrink from a loss of $1.3M to an even larger loss of $389.6M despite an increase in revenues from $14.5M to $312.9M. An increase in the percentage of sales devoted to SGA costs from 74.97% to 155.69% was a…

5 reasons I don’t buy groceries online

Periodically I try and venture into the world of buying groceries online. I buy lots of things online regularly but the truth of the matter is I have never got around completing an order online and getting it delivered. To put it mildly, the task of buying grocery online today is at best difficult and…

The Next Leap for Retail

The past few years have been exciting for Retail. It has been a time of changing customer needs and preferences, economic gloom, broadband revolution and plentiful choice. In a nutshell we can broadly spot 4 main agents of change in the way Retailers conduct their business: The Return of the Brick-and-Mortar Retailer It has been…